Course Content
Day 1- Intro to Quantum Physics basics
Get your feet wet to the introduction world of quantum computing and Quantum Physics.
Day 4-Classiq Platform Introducting(lets start coding)
In this section we will dive into the classiq platform that is used to visualize and run quantum algorithms Ask your parent or if you are over the age of 18 to Sign up here:
Day-5 Capstone Project
Capstone project Information and Congratulation message
ScholarIQ’s Intro to Quantum Computing Course
About Lesson


The following animation illustrates two consecutive Hadamard transformations which equates to two rotations about the (x+z)⁄√2 axis by π radians.

After the first, the position of the vector lies along the x axis at |+〉 and after the second transformation, the vector is back to where it started, which is what we expect.

In the next section we will go about representing qubit states using mathematics with matrices

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